home.gif drum options dialog file options dialog



Auto-correction lets MusiCAD make decisions about where to insert bar lines in parts other than the main part (usually first voice) default = on

Fast draw

Eliminate screen updates as much as possible (default=off)

Prepend accidental

Allow use of <+> and <-> before a note is entered (default=off)

Cursor move

Move cursor when using <Page Up>/<Page Down>by bar (on) or by line (off) (default=off)

Score edit

Edit part-wise or complete score. Part-wise editing may be useful to track errors in a larger score when display is cluttered due to errors. (default=on)


Show blue marker blocks in edit mode

Warn block-use

Determine whether MusiCAD should ask be you are (accidentally) performing a block action (default=off)

Auto equalize

Whenever two parts do not have the same duration MusiCAD can add 'invisible' rest notes to make part duration equal and (more or less) displayable. (default=on)

Match begin/end tie

Issue warnings when tie-begin and tie-end signs do not match (default=off)


Note-play duration

Note-duration in milliseconds on insertion of a new note

Undo limit

Number of undo-steps (default 30)


Note width

Width of a note during edit

Note height

Height of a note during edit


Live MIDI-record

If the MIDI-button and live-MIDI-record is enabled it is possible to enter a live-played music phrase guided by metronome clicks instead of note-by-note

Edit options
This is the MusiCAD 4.0 help information. See musicad.eu for most recent information.