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Duration of music notes is read from the form of the note head or the number of flags (or beams), augmentation dot(s) and/or tuplet notation


Durations of notes and rests can be altered using:


Shorten cursor-note resulting in a triad-note unless it was already dotted, duration becomes 2/3 of the original duration. Counterpart of <F6>.


Lengthen cursor-note with half its duration. Punctuate is meaningful/possible. Duration becomes 3/2 of the original duration. Counterpart of <F5>)


Half duration of cursor-note.


Double duration of cursor-note. Duration 2/1 will be drawn as brevis duration 3/1 or more as longa .


Shorten to quintuplet duration


Shorten to septuplet duration


Choose default duration for entering notes:.


choose duration 1/1, whole note, semibreve


choose duration 1/2, half note, minim


choose duration 1/4, quarter note, crotchet


choose duration 1/8 eight note, quaver


choose duration 1/16, sixteenth note, semiquaver


choose duration 1/32, thirtysecond note, demisemiquaver


triad-enter; all new notes get 2/3 of default value.


punctuation-enter all new notes get 3/2 of default value.

With auto-duration enabled using duration.gif or <alt-A> clicking on duration button will alter duration of cursor-note


Effective play duration can differ wildly from notation especially when using articulation modifiers like staccato.


Duration of grace-notes will not taken into account for displaying bar lines and determining clusterization.

This is the MusiCAD 4.0 help information. See musicad.eu for most recent information.