home.gif section shortcut

Selections are created in edit mode by holding the <shift> key one of the and cursor move keys (<selection.jpg>,<selection1.jpg>, <home>, <end>,<Page Up>,<Page Down> etc.)



extend selection one position to the left


extend selection one position to the right


extend selection one bar to the left


extend selection one bar to the right


extend selection to the beginning of the line.


extend selection to the end of the line.

<Page Up>

extend selection to the previous 'line'.

<Page Down>

extend selection to the next 'line'.


extend selection to the last bar of the melody


extend selection to the first bar of the melody

<shift-<selection6.jpg>, <shift-selection7.jpg>

extend selection to all voices


A selected range is marked red.


Many commands act on a selection like they would on a single item.


As soon as a selection is made in edit mode, two more icons on the edit-bar are enabled (as are items in the context menu) allowing you to copy or delete a selection.


A selection can also be made by dragging the mouse.


See also:

     delete bar

     cut and paste

This is the MusiCAD 4.0 help information. See musicad.eu for most recent information.