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It is possible to import a MIDI-file in MusiCAD thereby converting it to an editable MusiCAD-file. However, conversion can be tricky sometimes. Especially live played performances are difficult to 'catch' using readable notation.



On translating midi-events to notes you may define that (very) short notes may be notated using staccato signs.

Embellishments like trill-signs may be used (or not) to when translating sequences of short notes.

Start rest is often needed is multi-voice scores

Inclusion of tempo-changes

Inclusion of volume-changes

Inclusion of chord-symbols

Inclusion of lyrics.

Sometimes bar lines dividing long notes require a 're-bar' operation.


An Upbar value sometimes helps transcribing a MIDI-file to notes


The split-point determines the lowest note that should be assigned to the treble-clef if a grand staff is chosen (select a P) for a part.


Quantization parameters for Shortest Note, Shortest Rest and Shortest Duration to qualify for a note determine the resulting score.

This is the MusiCAD 4.0 help information. See musicad.eu for most recent information.